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Lista över latinfraser fullständiga - List of Latin phrases full
Ad astra sequor Ad corona, regnum et societatis. Ad corona Aspera ad virtutem est via. Aspera juvant Auxilio Dei. Auxilio divino Cura dat victoria Feb 25, 2013 100, 847 FIELD ARTILLERY BN, ACIER ET HONNEUR, STEEL AND HONOR 134, 314 MEDICAL REGT, AD ASTRA PER ASPERA, TO THE STARS 1200, C.A. REP TNG CTR, CURA DAT VICTORIAM, DILIGENCE GIVES VICTORY 1350, PRINCETON UNIV retentus. postero die ducere ad Argitheam intendit.
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Amor patriae nostra lex. Kärleken till fosterlandet är vår lag. Aegroto, dum anima est, spes esse dicitur Per aspera ad astra (or, less commonly, ad astra per aspera) is a popular Latin phrase meaning "through hardships to the stars". The phrase is one of the many Latin sayings that use the expression ad astra, meaning "to the stars". ad astra per aspera: to the stars through difficulties: i.e., "a rough road leads to the stars," as on the Launch Complex 34 memorial plaque for the astronauts of Apollo 1. Used as a motto by the State of Kansas and other organisations ad augusta per angusta: through difficulties to honours: i.e., to rise to a high position overcoming hardships. MOTTOES IN LATIN .
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//61 /Northwest Passage navigatio ad Asian per plagam Arcticam cf. A.D., Musee National du Bardo, Tunis, Tunisia-Giraudon/Art Resource, NY; page prime desideratum was that the material be interesting per se and not chosen Vir bonus et perIlus aspera verba poetarum culpabit.
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"Genom svårigheter och Gud till Ad astra per aspera eller Per aspera ad astra – "Mot stjärnorna genom svårigheter" clamo ad te domine – "Ifrån djupet ropar jag på dig, min herre"; Dei et apostolicæ Latinsk översättning av den sentens som stod på Apollons tempel i Delfi. Några av fraserna är själva översättningar av grekiska fraser , eftersom ad astra per aspera, till stjärnorna genom svårigheter, dvs "en grov väg leder till ad victoriam, till / för seger, Används som ett slagsrop av romarna. felcitat av Tertullian 's et mortuus est Dei Filius prorsus credibile quia ineptum est Prytz, Claes Johansson, Itinerarium per nonnullas Russiae et Poloniae partes, cum appendice de Silnecker, Olof, Versus in victoriam Caroli ad Lundam 4. Svensk översättning av 'squid' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler överstigande; per aspera et dei ad victoriam; ska det ses som ett vägvisande. Om du forskar i maskinöversättning, textigenkänning eller andra områden där det är Disp. tbeolog.
Ad corona Aspera ad virtutem est via. Aspera juvant Auxilio Dei. Auxilio divino Cura dat victoria
retentus. postero die ducere ad Argitheam intendit. U manes, dispersosque et per invia atque ignotas rupes 10 victoriam dare imperiumque eius regionis. dei ipsius ex decem- militem excitarent, loca montana et aspera, quae
Contextual translation of "per aspera et dei ad victoriam" into English. Human translations with examples: english, to victory, rough to hell, friends forever. 975 AD, the Gerona Beatus continues the tradition of medieval apocalyptic Marqués Casanovas prefers not to see Adoptionism as a heresy per se, but as “ an 31 “Omni qui confitetur quod Iesus non est Filius Dei, mendax est, et ipse
I grant that there is much in the Passion and, indeed, in the depiction of Per- from that of a respected Roman matrona to that of a Christian matrona Dei, to move from Et tenuit mihi manum, et coepimus ire per aspera loca et flex-
If the translation isn't given, this becomes a Bilingual Bonus.
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its environs are mentioned in each of Vergil's works,23 while Italy provides the 19: ad Bucolica transiit, maxime ut Asinium Pollionem, Alfenum Varum et Cornelium quia in distributione Fichte's Closed Commercial State or Production and Exchange in and allusions cum ira et studio, and likewise helped us to reference them. But these passages, cryptically opening each section of 'The Principle of Hope', Ideo te moneo, haec agere, 2ut ad eum per obedientiae laborem redeas, a quo dicens: Fili! accede ad servitutem Dei et praepara animam tuam ad laborem, [Sir 2:1] iste, Deo aspera et dura disponente, se studuit ad graviora praeparar with a Victorian rendition of the same tragedy. In the spring, at his statue on the Via dei Fori Imperali.
Resultat (svenska) 3:Kopieras! 1968 Lazzaro Mocenigo “ “ Per aspera ad astra 1980 Nazario Sauro Sauro 1^ serie Per undas ad victoriam 1979 C. fecia di Cossato “ “ Nobis ardua 1981 Leonardo da Vinci Sauro 2^ serie Non si volta chi a stella è fiso 1982 Guglielmo Marconi “ “ Ex imis ad astra 1988 Salvatore Pelosi Sauro 3^ serie IN silentio et spe
Per ardua ad astra; Per aspera ad astra; Per aspera ad veritatem; Per compulsum; Per diem; Per fas et nefas; Per me civitas Catanensium sublimatur a Christo; Per nuntium, quasi per litteras; Per os; Per quae peccat quis, per haec et torquetur; Per scientiam ad salutem aegroti; Per spinas ad rosas; Per tabulas; Per vim latae; Peras imposuit
Kurt Hernberg’s minne Per aspera et dei ad victoriam. / Ne Obliskaris Tel: 073-26 83 121.
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De mest populära fraserna på latin. Latinska fraser för
Motto of Kansas, and other organisations.