Alecta har förvärvat aktier i Anticimex för 1,5 miljarder kronor
EQT - Kapitalmarknad, finansiering, strategiarbete
Holmen B Anticimex Pref C Prologis Targeted US Logistics Fund Holdings II. Skillnad mellan Private Equity och Hedge Fund; Näve Ombord tona market cap EQT VI förvärvar Anticimex - EQT Vad betyder private equity. dande med såväl traditionell förvaltning som fond- och depåförvalt- ning, vårt hälso- AB samt styrelseledamot Anticimex TopHolding. AB och JLT och EQT. Styrelseordförande i bl.a. IFS, Stormgeo,. Sitecore och Peltarion. Kjøp EQT AB (EQT) aksjen. Hos Nordnet kan du handle fra 1 kr i kurtasje.
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The EQT VI fund ("EQT VI") today announced the decision to bring in GIC as a minority partner through a 9.9% stake sale in Anticimex ("the Company"), in a transaction valuing the Company at EQT acquired Anticimex in 2012 and since then strengthened the group with more than 200 add-on acquisitions, expanding its geographical reach from five to 18 countries. Anticimex is a relatively new and large direct investment. So, it’s naturally one of our priorities,” says Anna Follér, Sustainability Manager at AP6. Anticimex and its main owner, EQT, happily agreed to meet with AP6 and also invited some of its other investors. Anticimex is a global business, with operations in 18 countries. EQT remains as controlling owner and continues to support Anticimex in becoming the global leader in preventive pest control; The EQT VI fund ("EQT VI") today announced the decision to bring in GIC as a minority partner through a 9.9% stake sale in Anticimex ("the Company"), in a transaction valuing the Company at approximately EUR 3.6 billion. Emoyhtiö Anticimex International AB perustettiin vuonna 1934 Ruotsiin, mistä sen toiminta on laajentunut 16 maahan Euroopassa, Pohjois-Amerikassa, Aasiassa ja Australiassa. Emoyhtiö tytäryhtiöineen työllistää kansainvälisesti noin 4 500 henkeä.
EQT köpte Anticimex från Ratos för knappt 3 miljarder kronor under 2012. Anticimex revenue has nearly quadrupled and its operating profit has increased by six times under EQT’s ownership, according to its website.
EQT brings in Melker Schörling AB as minority partner in
This Anticimex. Arexis. 24 Feb 2020 There are no crystal balls, but it is possible to gain real confidence about what's coming and when.
1 Min Read. Oct 3 (Reuters) - Private equity firm EQT: * EQT VI brings in minority partners to accelerate growth of Anticimex in portfolio companies, the firm’s investment in the pest control company, Anticimex, is used as a role model example. 2 EQT – building a global investment firm in two decades Conni Jonsson founded EQT in 1994 with Investor AB, the investment company owned by the Wallenberg family.
Övriga. eRT. Zenith. Apotea Anna Wahlström, Global Head of Human Resources, EQT, var en av flera deltagare som
en hävstångseffekt och därmed multiplicerad avkastning på fondkapitalet. Ägs av ett holdingbolag i Nederländerna, EQT International Holdings BV Nederländerna. Academedia, hotellföretaget Scandic och Anticimex.
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So, it’s naturally one of our priorities,” says Anna Follér, Sustainability Manager at AP6. Anticimex and its main owner, EQT, happily agreed to meet with AP6 and also invited some of its other investors. Anticimex is a global business, with operations in 18 countries.
Stefan Linnér. EQT VI acquires 100% of the Anticimex Group, Northern Europe’s leading provider of pest control, food safety and adjacent services, from Swedish listed private equity firm Ratos for an enterprise value of approximately SEK 2.7 billion
EQT sold a minority stake in Anticimex to Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC Pte in late 2019, in a deal that valued the company at 3.6 billion euros ($4.4 billion) at the time. The firm has hired investment banks and “is working on it,” Sinding said.
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Direkt. EQT. Privata Affärers nyhetsbrev - nyheter direkt i din inkorg gratis. “Värderas Anticimex till 45 miljarder kronor blir det börsnotering”, säger en källa till tidningen. Det skulle innebära den största noteringen för ett rörelsedrivande bolag sedan Telia för 20 år sedan. EQT köpte Anticimex från Ratos för knappt 3 miljarder kronor under 2012. Anticimex revenue has nearly quadrupled and its operating profit has increased by six times under EQT’s ownership, according to its website.