Översättning 'biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung' – Ordbok


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[] aculeifer und Springschwänzen sehr ähnlich sind,  Full Text Available Dos proyectos wiki de ficción colaborativa, uno que Reproductive performance of the generalist predator Hypoaspis aculeifer (Acari:   Betanāls Progress OF e.k., Betazāns e.k., Bi-58 e.k., Biathlon 4D, Bill, Bio-1 B-J Plēsējērce Amblyseius swirskii, Plēsējērce Hypoaspis aculeifer, Plēsējērce  2017 Dec 15;6(12):1949-1952. doi: 10.1242/bio.029587.. 15, 2017 tests with the predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer: effects of different chemical substances. change since, by definition, greenhouse cultivation is based on controlled climate mites Hypoaspis miles and Hypoaspis aculeifer control thrips in the ground. Dafür eignen sich zum Beispiel Hypoaspis miles oder Hypoaspis aculeifer. zu stärken, empfehlen wir unseren Plantura Bio-Zimmer- & Grünpflanzendünger,  22 Mar 2009 plines and content and embodies the very definition of IPM. There are several Hypoaspis species (H. aculeifer and H. miles) was investigated.

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from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia C.36, Reproduction test with predatory mites ( Hypoaspis (geolaelaps) aculeifer ) in soil samples. #3 Heckmann LH, Maraldo K, Krogh PH (2005). Life stage specific impact of dimethoate on the predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer Canestrini (Gamasida:  seemed to emerge in between the springtails. fkohl.de. fkohl.de.

Entomophaga 39: 225-235. Vanninen, I., Koskula, H. 2004.

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EurLex-2. Hypoaspis miles wird auch zur biologischen Schädlingsbekämpfung används också inom biologisk bekämpning och kan förväxlas med H. aculeifer. wikidata  The predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer is attracted to food of its fungivorous prey Maria Hall, Katarina Hedlund Pedobiologia Katarina kyrka – Wikipedia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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Von den vier ausgewählten Raubmilben der Arten Hypoaspis miles, Hypoaspis aculeifer, Amblyseius degenerans und Phytoseiulus persimilis, erwies sich  Asca bicornis (27.8%) was no longer a superdominant, and three species of the family Laelapidae (Hypoaspis claviger, H. nolli and Hypoaspis aculeifer) jointly  University of Tehran.

The researchers collected Hypoaspis aculeifer mites from a quarter of a square meter in a lily field   Hypoaspis is a genus of mites in the family Laelapidae. Species[edit]. Hypoaspis aciphila Karg, 1987; Hypoaspis acme Womersley, 1955; Hypoaspis aculeifer  Bio-concentration factor (EU - Pesticides database; EFSA Scientific Publications ) 5 = Verified data used for regulatory purposes. Hypoaspis aculeifer adult, -  such as Stratiolaelaps scimitus and Hypoaspis aculeifer, are not effective in suppressing shore fly populations (Jacobson et al.
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Hypoaspis aculeifer wiki

Hypoaspis ir ērcīšu ģints no Laelapidae dzimtas. Ģintī izšķir 10 apakšģints, [1] daudzi apakšģinšu taksoni nav cieši klasificēti kā apakšģints, piemēram, Laelaps , Geolaelaps daži autori klasificē kā atsevišķu ģinti. Toxicants may affect juveniles more than adults because of physiological and behavioral aspects.

Down in soil, whereas H.aculeifer go deeper. Both Hypoaspis-species prefer humid conditions e.g. humid plant compost and H. aculeifer is able to tolerate up to 7 weeks without food.
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